SmartCookie Social Media

Want a shortcut to success? Add a supercharged-sidekick to your speed dial!

Imagine having me in “your back pocket” whenever you’ve got a question, need some fresh ideas, or want an extra pair of eyes on your current project…

Hey Nicole – Could you review my FB ads settings? I think I’m hitting market saturation and need ideas. 

Hey Nicole – My homepage isn’t converting like it was – do you have 2-3 suggestions to improve it?

Hey Team – Yikes, I didn’t follow-up with my leads. Any suggestions on what to say?

Hey Nicole – Google Ads is giving me a low score – do you have 2-3 SEO suggestions to improve it?

Hey Nicole – I feel like I’m chasing my leads, could you review my text/phone/email scripts?

Hey – I’ve hired someone to work on some copy – can I get your eyes on it before it launches?

Hey Team – Could you look at my email nurturing sequence and suggest ways to improve it?

Hey Nicole – Can you tell me 2-3 ways to improve my ROI on my YouTube channel/podcast?

 For the first time ever, I’m giving a small number of business owners this level of access to my marketing + sales support.

Wanna shortcut to success?

Add a supercharged-sidekick to your speed dial!

Imagine having me in “your back pocket” whenever you’ve got a marketing question, need some fresh ideas, or want an extra pair of eyes on your business…

Hey Nicole – Could you review my FB ads settings? I think I’m hitting market saturation and need ideas. 

Hey Nicole – I have a low Google Ads score – do you have 2-3 website  suggestions to improve it?

Hey Team – I’m dreaming up a new campaign for my email list, can you take a look at my sequence?

Hey Nicole – I feel like I’m chasing my leads, could you review my text/phone/email scripts?

Hey Nicole – Yikes, I didn’t follow-up with my leads all week/month. Any suggestions on what to say?

Hey SmartCookie team – Have a few post or email templates to generate sales conversations?

 For the first time ever, I’m giving a small number of business owners this level of direct access to support.


You’ll have a dedicated messaging channel where you can send us a text, audio, or video question at anytime. Reach out 24/7 – whenever it works for you! 


Time zones, be gone. No need to wait for a weekly call, or schedule a Zoom call to get support. Send a message when it’s convenient for you.


I’m an open book. Ask me anything about paid ads, websites, emails, video creation, podcasting, dashboards, business systems, sales, past workshops, and more.


Who has time for more courses or modules with general examples?  Get “hands on” help with the direction you need, now.


Leverage my expertise for your business! Glean insights on what’s working (& what’s not) in marketing and sales across niches, industries and platforms.


Zero pre-recorded videos. Zero modules. Ask about what you’re working on right now – and I’ll send answers, resources, guidance, or feedback.


No group calls or general topics, here. Get my eyeballs on your business, your copy, your campaigns as you prepare to dial in your success.


You’ll be one of a handful of small business owners with this level of Magic 8-Ball access. If you thought my VIP Days were special…just wait.


You’ll experience something no agency offers: We’ll meet you where you are to provide time-saving, wallet-saving solutions that serve your business and your life.

Here’s who The SmartCookie Hotline is perfect for:


You’re ready to take action and celebrate quick wins. You know consistency is key and nothing happens overnight. Your business is a long-term focus for you and you’re excited to have someone in your corner to back you up.


You have validated products or services, revenue coming in, and an existing audience. The hotline won’t provide the right support for anyone starting a business. But when you’ve got a foundation? We can help build on it.


You know your business and your market better than anyone else and you love being the decision-maker. You’re excited to have Nicole & the SmartCookie Team “on call” for feedback & ideas. But you’re not trying to outsource your CEO decisions or have anyone tell you what to do. 

If that’s you, put me on “speed-dial” and I’ll help you tackle the hurdles on your way to success.

Apply for the SmartCookie Hotline:

While this is a “beta-test”offer – we know a few things for sure:

Unlike our $2500 VIP Days, this will be a flat-fee, monthly subscription that you can cancel at anytime.  We’ll be using a new software that allows us to communicate with each other by sending send video, audio, and text messages. (No, it is not Voxer.)

The beta price for those who want to lock in the lowest rate will be announced soon. We won’t offer it at this beta rate again.

Beta means it’s new and we’re testing it out. Don’t join now if you want a perfectly polished experience…expect a typo or two. There will be unexpected items in this new and unconventional program. But we’ll navigate them together and we’re excited to provide this experience for those who “get that”.

After you apply, keep scrolling for next steps.

Once you submit the application, here’s what happens next:


1) We’ll email you with your invitation link if you’re a good fit. (Or we’ll let you know if this offer doesn’t look like the right option for you.)

2) If we send you the invitation link, we’ll hold your spot for 24 hours to give you time to submit your payment and make it official!

3) Then, you’ll get a link to set up a 15-minute onboarding call so we can get you set up for success & grant you access to your private hotline.

One final note…


While I’m excited to offer the SmartCookie Hotline – I’m not interested in “selling” anyone into this. 

I’m interested in a win-win where I support a handful of go-getters build businesses they love. 

And if that’s where you’re headed…

It would be an honor to help you get there faster.