Free Tools For Social

Organize images, thoughts, and words with a tap (or two) of your finger

Manage Images & Videos

Google PHotos

Google Photos keeps me, my images, video, and random screenshots organized auto-magically.  Images are instantly uploaded to the app which allows me to create folders, share folders and then hit delete in my iPhone’s Camera Roll. Presto-chango! 

ManagE Paper

SCannABLE APP By Evernote

Ever heard yourself say, “Why can’t my employees bring back a receipt?” Because nowadays they emailed it to you! 

At least that’s the answer with Scannable. If you’re like me and tired of much-needed receipts, scribbled ideas, or your grocery list taking up space on your desk, you’re gonna love it. 

ManagE Paper or Evernote APP

Speaking of, as soon as they started emailing me all of those scanned documents. I needed a new plan for my email clutter. Now I ask everyone to upload them to a shared Dropbox or Evernote folder. 

For example, that pesky wisdom tooth extraction bill I just mailed out — do I really need a paper reminder of how much it hurt? Or during Tax Time I ask myself — am I still chasing tax documents? Not fun and not anymore!



Ahh, typos (including bad punctuation). They get the best of us. But they don’t have to anymore.

Before you post on social media, send an email, or type anything, get a free double-check from Two choices here, you can copy and paste your words to or add the extension to your browser.  

ManagE Thoughts


What’s the word for brilliant, smart, super helpful? Ah, right. Saying, we have “very good” service on your Facebook page doesn’t quite pack a punch. Give this tool to your team and get words karate-kick their way off your pages and have your reader scheduling their next visit with you.


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